My three month pictures are posted for HT #2. I have some pictures close up of the crown, from behind, pics of my hairline from HT#1 and of my donor. When I inspect my crown in the mirror from different angles I see alot of new little hairs growing, I can see and really feel a difference when I move my hands around my crown. I have had several pimples and I have alot of stubble come in over the last month.
In the close up shots (see below) that I got I think you guys can tell what I am talking about, I def see some growth, I think the coverage has already gotten better. The next few months should bring more to come, months 4,5 and 6 are always exciting!!!! Hairline is still excellent from HT#1
Pathetic h-line, i feel bad for you, im 45 and have a full flock of hair. I have the confidence to talk to any hot chick at a bar thta i come acrosss. I grieve your loss and i hope one day you can find a treatment that gets your set of hair to the standard of my own.
great improvement, looks good. natural and dense. thak you for your blog!
regards fred
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