Here are some new photos of my result, I had a to tal of 6,400 grafts to cover and restore my whole head from front to back. The graft break down is 4,000 for zones 1 and 2 and 2,400 for the crown and zone 3. I Have to say I am loving my hair these days, I have come a long way in 2 years!!!
To navigate thru my page and see many more photos including more before pictures, my post op pictures showing how the grafts were placed and photos showing monthly updates, please scroll down and look over to the right under Blog Archive, click on the links.
very informative blog keep it up!
A people these days who suffer from hair loss are usually so intent on searching a baldness cure prevention therapies, they will try almost anything. there are some more therapies such as herbal, hair transplantation and some hair retain pills. its hard to find a good one.
Of course, pictures are better than words. These hair transplant surgery pictures are really nice and inspiring for others who are thinking hair transplant. Keep posting such nice pictures with real success. Thanks
Champ, sonic here. Contact me pls.
Thinking of followup procedure. Have questions.
interesting blog. It would be great if you can provide more details about it. Thanks you
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Hi. I'm curious how much something like this costs? thanks for sharing!
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Thanks for sharing your experience. You are right, even though the hair transplant is coming up as the best method to undo the effect of hair loss, people are not choosing it due to various myths that spread all across the world. I feel that it is required to break such notions and come up with the reality- the way hair transplant surgeons are striving to provide desirable results and the way you are contributing to the society by sharing your experience.
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